ATLAS.ti 9.1

Performs qualitative analysis of multimedia data
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer User Rating 4
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355 MB

Access and process large amounts of textual, graphical, audio, and video data in the workbench environment to perform a qualitative analysis of selected elements. Multiple paths of information structuring are available including assigning categories to relevant files.

ATLAS.ti is a software tool developed to help engineers to realize qualitative analysis and research. The embedded tools allow users to evaluate data, store and visualize results, or run queries and searches.

The features come wrapped in a standard interface, that has a simple white background, various toolbar options, and nicely crafted menu icons.

With ATLAS.ti users are able to open multiple documents, that can easily be dragged from the navigation panel. Integrated options like coding, linking, or annotating can be used to edit two document regions.

As per Analysis tools, this utility can be used to retrieve quotations, using their associated codes. It also has a list of codes that can be displayed in different cloud views, and with Cooccurrence Explorer users are able to see codes that co-occur across all or some of the selected primary documents.

Despite offering numerous complex features, ATLAS.ti seems a bit too expensive. Also, the integrated tutorials and guides require a deep learning curve, while the process of adding codes manually is quite tedious.

In conclusion, ATLAS.ti is a comprehensive software tool for performing data analysis. It may not be perfect, but some minor inconveniences shouldn't stop you from trying it out.

JS Senior editor
John Saunders
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Comes with an integrated Cooccurrence Explorer feature
  • Retrieves quotations
  • Has a multi-document view


  • Has an expensive price
  • Doesn't have user-friendly tutorials
  • Has a tedious Adding codes process

Comments (2)

138 votes
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Your vote:

rating Mesenbet
It is a SMART app for QDA!

May 20, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Temitope Jiboye
Working very well and eazy to use

Feb 11, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply


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